student ministry, youth worker, youth ministry

The Humility to Refuel

By Doug Franklin September 28, 2011

Today starts Refuel in the Rockies, a coaching event designed to help youth workers refuel by focusing on leadership. I am in Breckenridge, Colorado just waiting for the youth workers to arrive. As I am going over my notes I realize that it takes a great deal of humility for a youth worker to even admit that they need to refuel. We all need help in youth ministry; I know for myself I am still growing in my understanding of how students learn and how they grow spiritually. But learning is one thing, admitting you are worn out, spiritually dry or even thinking about quitting is very very hard to do.  Most of the youth workers that come to Refuel need to talk with someone about their desperation. They are desperate for coaching, support, care and a listening ear. If you have reached this point, ask another youth worker to help you. Reach out to some parents that you’re close with or seek out a mentor to walk the road with you. Being burned out is draining, being with people who care about you is refreshing. Take some steps to be with people who love you. Besides being with people who love you, here are three other practical ideas to help you refuel:

1. Spend a day away
I know this sounds simple but when was the last time you did it? Spend the day with your Bible, journal and strategic plan. Pray through it, study how people in the Bible did ministry and ask God to give you a new heart for His work.

2. Spend a day at another church
By seeing what other people do you will get new ideas. These new ideas can breath some life into your thinking and your ministry. I know this sounds weird but sometimes I am encouraged by the fact that others don’t really have it all together. I have been encouraged that I am not the only one who has struggles.

3. Spend time reading a book
I get most of my ideas and motivation from reading books. They are a great place to help you think about changes you want to make in your life and ministry. However, you need to actually apply what you read.

What are some of your ideas on refueling?

About the Author

Doug Franklin

Doug Franklin is the president of LeaderTreks, an innovative leadership development organization focusing on students and youth workers. Doug and his wife, Angie, live in West Chicago, Illinois. They don’t have any kids, but they have 2 dogs that think they are children. Diesel and Penelope are Weimaraners  who never leave their side. Doug grew up in…  Read More



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