student ministry, youth worker, youth ministry

Questions to Ask When You’ve Grown Stagnant

By Guest Contributor January 27, 2011

My buddy Mac Lake wrote this great blog post yesterday and I wanted to share it with you. Check out Mac’s blog at www.maclakeonline.com

If something doesn’t move for a while it usually gets stiff or stagnate.  There are times in every leaders life where we get stuck in patterns of immobility and before we know it we’re asking ourselves, “What’s wrong with me?”, “Why have I lost my passion?” OR “Is it time for me to move on to a new job?”  If you’re feeling a little stagnant, before you make any big moves, take some time to think through the following questions:

•    If I could add one thing to my job description what would it be?  Why?
•    If I could eliminate one thing from my job description what would it be?  Why?
•    What’s the most stimulating thing I’m doing in my job right now?  What about that responsibility gives me so much energy?
•    Who is actively challenging me to grow and stretch as a leader?  If the answer is no one, who can you invite to play that role in your life?
•    What strengths have I been neglecting and allowing to atrophy?  What do I need to do to re-stimulate those strengths?
•    What about my current routine is draining me and preventing me from dreaming and innovating new ideas?
•    Have I read anything in the past 30 days that has stirred my thinking?  If the answer is nothing, who can I ask for reading suggestions?
•    Do I have any goals that are inspiring me to give my all and trust God for outcomes bigger than what I’m able to do on my own?
•    Are the obstacles I’m facing demotivating me or motivating me toward greater determination?

As you reflect on these questions write out your thoughts and create a growth plan that will get your blood pumping again!  The choice is yours…get moving or grow stagnant.

About the Author

Guest Contributor

The LeaderTreks Blog is proud to share the hard-earned wisdom of student ministry leaders from many different backgrounds and professions. From time to time, we will feature guest blog posts from writers other than our regular contributors. We include these posts to provide additional perspectives and insight that we’re sure will help develop you and your ministry…  Read More



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