
Sweet Spot

Ministry Role Assessment for Adult Volunteers
Place your adult volunteers by their passion rather than your need.

Every adult volunteer has a magnet in their heart for working with students. The key to our job as youth workers is to match their magnet to the role we give them in our youth ministry. To do this we need to know three important things about our adult volunteers:

  • Passions: What they love to do
  • Impact: The roles within youth ministry and where they are suited to lead
  • Burden: The students they have a heart to serve

The Sweet Spot will help you discover all three of these truths about your adults.

When adult volunteers come to our youth ministries we usually place them in a role based on our greatest need. But what would happen if we placed them by how they are wired to serve? They would be more effective, stay in ministry longer and some would even become full-time youth workers!

Effectively placing adult volunteers in their sweet spot could change your youth ministry!


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Sweet Spot


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