Freebie Wednesday – Make Use of Time Assessment
November is here! Bonfires, colder weather, all things pumpkin, falling leaves, football – all these things signify our entrance into a new season. However, fall festivities are not the only things that come with this time of the year. While there is a lot of fun to be had, one look at your calendar could possibly send you into an anxiety attack. These next couple months are some of the busiest of the year. With Thanksgiving and Christmas just around the corner, we are faced with a long list of activities and responsibilities. There are family gatherings to plan for and attend. There are holiday outreach opportunities to serve in your community and around the world. And let’s not forget the parties and events that are tradition in your student ministry! If you are in school, add to that the stress of papers and finals….are you feeling short of breath yet?
As the calendar starts to fill up and To-Do Lists get longer and longer, it is important to think through how we as leaders can effectively make the most of our time, and how we can help students develop this skill in their busy lives as well. Make Use of Time is a free resource that will help you guide students in assessing how they are using their time. By dividing each day into 3 time slots, students will be visually challenged to think through one full week and how they have spent their time.
Leaders use their time effectively. Every leader needs to think through how they are using and in what areas they need to improve the use of their time. As you and your students experience the busyness that comes with this season, use this free resource to encourage and challenge them to think about how they might use their time more effectively.
About the Author
Doug Franklin
Doug Franklin is the president of LeaderTreks, an innovative leadership development organization focusing on students and youth workers. Doug and his wife, Angie, live in West Chicago, Illinois. They don’t have any kids, but they have 2 dogs that think they are children. Diesel and Penelope are Weimaraners who never leave their side. Doug grew up in… Read More