Are you lonely? In this study, you will discover that loneliness is a common human condition, how God provides for us in our loneliness, and how to reach out to others who may also be feeling lonely. You will dig into the fact that we are never truly alone, even in our most isolated times. Thankfully, loneliness is not what God wants for us. He has provided help and resources during the lonely seasons of life for our good and his glory. God is always with us—with God you’re truly never alone. Learn more.
Are you moving toward God or drifting away from Him? We can easily gravitate toward the things and people in the world. We all have sinful desires, but God desires to rescue his children. If we want to follow God, then our desires and hearts must change. This study will dig into human nature, God’s grace, and the importance of following Jesus daily. Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. (James 4:8) Learn more.
What's your biggest fear? There are a lot of scary things in this world, whether you like to admit that or not. In a world where it’s easy to worry and give in to fear, how can you live courageously for Christ? When you choose bravery, you humbly admit your need for Christ, confess your sin, boldly obey Jesus even when it seems risky, and tell others how Jesus offers salvation to everyone. There will be times when you’ll want to give in to fear. But Jesus calls us to be brave! Learn more.
Who is Jesus? Knowing who Jesus is and believing in him is the only way God changes our lives. But it can be easy to substitute our own logic or the world’s pleasures for the true life Jesus offers. Thankfully, Jesus offers what we truly need—not just what temporarily fills us up. Jesus is irreplaceable! Accept no substitutes. Learn more.
We're in a war. Every Christ-follower is in the midst of a spiritual battle. No matter the circumstances, you have a choice to make: are you going to give in and give up or are you going to stand firm? Thankfully, God doesn’t ask us to fight alone—he promises his help. When we put on the whole armor of God, we can not only fight with his strength, but we can stand victorious. Learn more.
We all hide. We hide behind filters that distort reality. They may seem harmless, but the truth is that filters are dangerous. Our view of God is affected. Our view of ourselves is inaccurate. Our view of others is skewed. When we see God clearly, we aren’t worried about the past mistakes we’ve made or about gaining others’ approval. God has made you to reflect his image to the world. It’s up to you to stop hiding, and live unhindered. Learn more.
God is constantly communicating with us. In a world full of noise and distraction, it’s easy to miss what God is saying. Sometimes, he speaks in predictable ways. Other times, God uses the unexpected to get his message across. God is speaking to all people and he's calling us to a lifelong adventure. We just need to learn how to listen to God’s voice—how to tune in to his frequency. When God speaks, he calls. Are you willing to listen to what he says and let him change your life? Learn more
Lost. We’ve all been there. And we’ll probably be there again. Jesus was pointing to that truth when he told the story of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11–32). When he compared the brothers in this story, Jesus showed us that there are two kinds of lost people: those who know they are lost and those who don’t. Thankfully, he also gave us a way to come back home—by receiving the father’s unconditional love. Wherever you’re wandering, are you ready to come home? Learn more
Outsiders welcome. We see outcasts everyday—people who fit under a different stereotype, don’t look like us, like what we like, or believe the same things. It’s easy to walk away from the outcast, leaving them forever in that category, but Jesus never did. Instead, he walked into the difficulty of their lives to bring them the ultimate insider experience—belonging in his family. Learn more
"By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." (John 13:35) Community can be hard to find. As much as the things we like can pull us together, they tend to tear us apart just as frequently. As Christ-followers, we’ve been given something greater than our preferences to hold us together: Jesus. He gives us so much more than a rallying cry, he gives us a purpose for our unity. Learn more
When we start following Christ, we're brand new...but we don't always feel that way. It takes time for our lives to sync up with our new identity. There are parts of us that still need to be renewed so we can follow Jesus' words in Mark 12:30 and love God with everything we've got—our heart, soul, mind, and strength. Help students start down this road with RENEW! Learn more
John 3:16 is a verse many students have grown numb to. From Sunday school to bumper stickers, this verse makes a lot of appearances. And it has good reason to show up as much as it does. The entire story of the universe culminates in this verse, clearly laying out the mystery of God’s rescue plan. Loved. Broken. Redeemed. Called. Learn more
In Micah, God’s people let him down. Attempting to make it up to Him, they tried sacrifices and rituals, completely missing the point. God didn’t want their sacrifices; he wanted their hearts. So Micah sent that message, bringing them back to the basics. Help your students navigate what it means to follow God with all their hearts. Learn more
Most think that service is a good idea, something everyone should do more often. But serving doesn’t necessarily make one a servant. Becoming a servant is more than that; something that happens as we follow Christ and become more like him. Help your students move from serving occasionally to consistently, like Christ. Learn more
We live in a world that craves authenticity. We expect it from everyone around us. But what about our own faith? Do we even know what an authentic faith looks like? Are we willing to do anything about it? It all starts with becoming a Christ-follower. Help your students see what a real faith looks like and how to live it out. Learn more
Generation multitask. It’s a fitting label for an overcommitted, over-entertained generation of teens. School, band, sports practice, and work all create a tremendous drain on their lives. Where is the time for cultivating their relationship with Christ? Help your students to “hit pause” to spend time growing their relationship with God. Learn more
“DNow” stands for Disciple Now. In its simplest form, a Disciple Now weekend is a retreat for a youth ministry. While many do some form of a retreat for students, there are a few distinctions that provide a unique environment for your students to grow spiritually:
DNow Weekends point students deeper into relationship with Jesus and deeper into relationship with their peers by bringing the gospel into their lives.
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Yes. The small group lesson plans are intentionally written to provide a very interactive and dynamic learning experience for your students as they use these books. Your small group leaders teach from their lesson plan and your students will be engaging with their books. It’s also a great way to provide a long lasting memory of their experience. We really believe these books are full of application so your students can really be challenged with what they are learning. Be sure to check out our preview of the student books for a nice snapshot of what you’ll be getting.
This is something that’s really different with DNowStudies from most resources available to you for DNow and/or Retreat weekends. With DNowStudies you literally pay one price ($69) to access a single study and all the content you and your leaders need. Lessons, guides, tips, training, videos, promo art, sermons, and more — it’s all there for $69. The $69 does not include books or handouts for your students for your event, content for after your event, or event t-shirts.
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