
Checklist For A Meaningful DNow Small Group Session

At DNowStudies, we’ve provided you with awesome small group content, if we do say so ourselves. But that’s only half the battle. To lead a meaningful Small Group Session, you have to make sure you’ve laid the groundwork that great content will be built on.

How do you do that? Glad you asked.

Before you teach through each session, ask yourself these questions:

Have I:

  • Reviewed the material sufficiently so that I can teach it confidently?
  • Reflected on what God is teaching me personally in this area?
  • Prayed for God’s wisdom regarding what I will teach and asked Him for insight into my students’ lives?
  • Anticipated any new developments or outcomes that might occur as a result of this lesson?

Am I:

  • Enthusiastic about what I’m about to teach?
  • Committed to being as open and honest as I want/expect my students to be?
  • Ready to challenge my students out of their comfort zones to reach the next level?
  • Clear about where I want to lead the group and how this session will help us get there?

Are My Students:

  • Learning what I want them to learn? Are they “getting” it?
  • In the best setting/environment to learn? (Is the room set up? Is it adequate? Do they have the resources they need – pens, student books, bibles, etc.?)
  • Growing in the areas of unity and trust regarding the team?
  • Confused about anything from a prior session that I need to address?
  • Excited about becoming all that God wants them to be?

Want to download a PDF of this article? We got you covered. Simply click here and watch the magic happen.

Doug Franklin is a veteran youth worker and the founder of LeaderTreks. Doug is a big believer in the role DNow can play in the spiritual development of teenagers.



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