youth worker, youth ministry, leadership

Clarity of Vision

By Doug Franklin October 29, 2012

Vision is what God’s telling you to do.  It’s a calling to something greater than yourself. Vision always takes into consideration your past, your gifts, and your unique experiences.  It’s something that started forming before you were born as God created you. It has been developing and growing with each experience.  It’s something you were called to do and if you don’t seek it out you will rarely be truly happy.  Vision is given by God.

Do you ever wonder why God doesn’t take us directly to heaven when we come into His family?  Why leave us here on earth?  The reason is we are His workmen. As servants our job is to do His will here on earth.  He wants the whole world to know Him and His love.  He gives us the job of showing people that love.  Three key points about vision:

1. Vision grows from how God wired you
God never gives us a vision without giving us the giftedness to get the job done.  He wants us to be successful.  He loves us and sees us as an extension of himself here on earth.  God gives us a vision for what he wants us to do.  He knows how he has gifted us and how to best use our giftedness.

The God who created the whole universe also made you.  He made you for a specific purpose.  That purpose is good, and will bring you happiness and satisfaction.  God also gave you unique abilities that are perfectly matched to His specific plan for your life.

2. Vision comes from prayer
Prayer is not just about asking God for needs but about listening to what God says in response to our needs.  God’s response unlocks clues to the calling God has for you.  Vision comes from prayer.  As we pray and listen, God has time to speak to our hearts.  We get a sense of peace as the Holy Spirit directs our thoughts and guides our actions.

God speaks to us through prayer.  The greatest mystery to me about prayer is that Jesus prayed all the time.  Why did He pray?  Wasn’t He God?  Didn’t He already know what was going to happen?  Mark 1:35 says, “Jesus rose before dawn to pray to His father.”  This was His daily habit.

So often we think that prayer is about changing God’s mind.  We ask Him over and over again hoping that He will do what we ask, never realizing that He has already answered by saying “no.”  That answer is not an indication for us to stop praying but an invitation for us to start changing what we are seeking.  God knows what is best for us.  He sees the big picture.  If He says “no,” ask Him what direction He wants you to head.  If He says “yes,” continue to pursue what God is giving you.

3. Vision starts with obedience
God’s will for your life is to obey him. The closer you get to obedience the easier it is to see what your vision might be.  The closer you get to God’s heart the easier to see how you fit into his plan.

God’s response to our prayers is a key to the vision God has for us.  We need to pray often asking God for guidance and revelation of the vision for our lives.  Be sure to track how God is answering our prayers and look for patterns that reveal His vision  It’s through prayer that you learn obedience. Its through obedience you get vision.

As you start to discover your vision, remember God has brought you into this world because he has a plan to use your life for his glory.

About the Author

Doug Franklin

Doug Franklin is the president of LeaderTreks, an innovative leadership development organization focusing on students and youth workers. Doug and his wife, Angie, live in West Chicago, Illinois. They don’t have any kids, but they have 2 dogs that think they are children. Diesel and Penelope are Weimaraners  who never leave their side. Doug grew up in…  Read More



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