Free Printable Bible Lessons for Youth
The lessons that we teach students matter, so we’ve compiled this list of free printable Bible lessons for youth for you to utilize in your ministry. Each of these lessons tie into a core truth of the Gospel so that you can be sure that you’re reinforcing the Gospel message in every lesson you teach.
free printable bible lessons preview:
- Adoption: Belonging to God’s Family
- Revealed: Learning About God
- Who’s First: Welcoming the Least
- Risk Vs. Reward: Following God
- Apologetics: Answering Hard Questions
- Worship: Lifestyle of Worship
- Diversity, Not Division: What Binds the Body of Christ Together
- Shameless: God’s Original Plan for Sexuality
You might be surprised to hear that many Bible-believing ministries are not teaching students the Gospel. Their teaching is based in Scripture, but many youth ministries give students an incomplete picture of the Gospel at best.
what we should teach students
When we lose sight of the core truths of the Gospel, we aren’t sure what Bible lessons to teach students about Scripture. As a result, students graduate from our ministries with critical gaps in their knowledge of the faith.
- Perhaps your students know the story of Jonah, but they’ve missed the person of Jesus.
- Maybe your students are avid rule-followers, but they’ve forgotten they’re “saved by grace.”
- It could be that your students love God, but they know nothing about his true character as described in his Word.
- Or maybe your students would prefer to create and define their own identities rather than accepting what God says about who they are.
Gaps can take on a number of shapes and sizes. But the results are most often the same. Like seeds planted in rocky soil, students look healthy as they sprout up, but many will soon wither away and fall to the wayside because they weren’t rooted deep in the soil.
8 ROOTS OF the Gospel
Teaching students the whole Gospel message is a crucial step in making discipleship the core of your youth ministry.
So, what Bible lessons should we teach students who want to become disciples of Jesus? How can we teach and reinforce the whole Gospel message rather than an incomplete picture?
We wrestled with this question when we created our Deep Discipleship Youth Ministry System. And our answer was the “8 Roots of the Gospel.” These are 8 core truths of the Gospel that are essential to the Christian faith.
We call them “Roots” because:
- They are the truths that take the Gospel message deep into a student’s mind, heart, and soul.
- They are a source of life that is able to draw up truth, like water, from God’s Word.
- And they are the firm foundation that provides security and strength enough to weather the difficult storms of life.
The entire family of Deep Discipleship resources is built on the strategy of the 8 Roots of the Gospel. In every Deep Discipleship lesson, you’ll reinforce one of these core truths. In doing so, you’ll make sure your students graduate from your ministry without critical gaps in their knowledge of the Gospel.
Take note of the Root Suggestions in the following free printable Bible lessons for youth.
8 Free Printable Bible Lessons for Youth
1. adoption printable lesson

More than anything students want to belong. So let’s teach them how they’ve been adopted into God’s family. This lesson will dive into the fact that followers of Christ are adopted by God. And once we’ve been accepted into God’s family, it’s our job to pass that feeling of belonging onto others.
Root Suggestion: This lesson ties into the Rescue Root. The Rescue Root helps students understand their need for a savior.
Here’s what’s included in this free printable lesson:
- Lesson Facilitator Guide
- Lesson Student Guide
- Animated Video
- Bonus Large Group Talk
- Media and Graphics Kit
Many students want to know more about God. But they aren’t sure how. This lesson helps students become familiar with the different ways we can learn about God. Students will explore both general revelation (evidence from creation) and special revelation (the Scriptures).
Root Suggestion: This lesson ties into the Knowledge Root. The Knowledge Root helps students understand the basics about God.
Here’s what’s inside:
- PDF Facilitator’s Guide
- PDF Student Guide
- Bonus Large Group Talk
- Parent Guide
It’s important to realize that students live in a world that’s constantly dictating who’s in, who’s out, and who’s first. In this lesson, students will examine their own hearts. As a result, they will discover how open they are to welcoming and valuing those whom others would consider to be the “least” in their worlds.
Root Suggestion: This lesson ties into the Kingdom Root. The Kingdom Root helps students understand how to live in the Kingdom of God every day.
Here’s what’s included in this free printable lesson:
- Facilitator Guide (PDF & Word)
- Student Guide (PDF & Word)
- Parent Guide
- Media and Graphics
God wants to take us on adventures, but our apathy and fear often hinders us from trusting him. Exploring the risk-vs- reward factor that goes into any decision will help students grasp how God challenges our apathy with the adventure of following him. Students will be challenged about what risks they may be called to take as they join God’s adventure.
Root Suggestion: This lesson ties into the Kingdom Root. The Kingdom Root helps students understand how to live in the Kingdom of God every day
Here’s what’s inside:
- Facilitator Guide (PDF & Word)
- Student Guide (PDF & Word)
- Parent Guide
- Media and Graphics
The Bible encourages us to defend our faith. It says, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,” (1 Pet. 3:15). This 4 lesson series will help students identify what is true, what their faith is based on, as well as sculpt a testimony they are ready to share.
Root Suggestion: This lesson introduces students to the Apologetics Root. The Apologetics Root prepares students to explain the hope they have in Christ.
Here is what’s included in this free printable lesson for youth:
- 4 Lessons with Facilitator & Student Guides
- Apologetics Parent Guide
- Apologetics Animated Video
- Bonus Large Group Talk
- Media and Graphics
Although the Bible encourages us to make worship an all-the-time thing, most students think about worship as just singing. So we need to help students live every part of their lives to glorify God. This lesson gives students a framework for what worship is and how God’s truth interacts with their lives.
Root Suggestion: This lesson introduces students to the Worship Root. The Worship Root helps students explore what it means to have a lifestyle of worship.
Here is what’s included in this free printable lesson series:
- 4 Lessons with Facilitator & Student Guides
- Worship Parent Guide
- Worship Animated Video
- Bonus Large Group Talk
- Media and Graphics
In this lesson, students will address the problem of drawing dividing lines around race and status, specifically in the body of Christ. They will see (1) what actually binds believers together, (2) how all believers are needed, and (3) how earthly affiliations and divisions pale in comparison to the binding power of the Lord.
Root Suggestion: This lesson ties into the Community Root, which helps students understand the meaning of biblical fellowship.
Here’s what’s inside:
- 1 Complete Lesson (PDF and Word)
- Parent Guide
- Designed Memory Verse (ready to share on social media)
- Mark of a Disciple
Students tend to decide what they believe based on what they want or feel. But this can be backwards and dangerous. Help them base their beliefs on God’s truth. With this in mind, these four lessons delve into how to view our sexuality from God’s perspective. We are wonderfully created in his image, and we belong to him first.
Root Suggestion: This lesson series ties into the Identity Root. The Identity Root helps students discover their unique identity in Christ.
Here’s what’s included in these free printable Bible lessons for youth:
- 4 Lessons with Facilitator and Student Guides
- Parent Guide
- Media and Graphics
About the Author
Doug Franklin
Doug Franklin is the president of LeaderTreks, an innovative leadership development organization focusing on students and youth workers. Doug and his wife, Angie, live in West Chicago, Illinois. They don’t have any kids, but they have 2 dogs that think they are children. Diesel and Penelope are Weimaraners who never leave their side. Doug grew up in… Read More